Lovely capture! Been to Stavanger once, for a catshow, ages ago, it took for ever and ever to get there by car from Stockholm... But I do remember the pretty houses.
That's a very interesting tableau. I see the ducks in the water but can't make out what the other objects are. The reflection is so intense, it's stunningly beautiful. Have a great weekend.
This diary is kept by hobby photographers situated in southern Finland. Most pictures are "straight from cam" except for occasional cropping.
Themes: nature, seasons and nearby environments in both urban and more natural settings. Sometimes spiced up with some traveller´s shots around the world.
The pics in this blog have a maximum dimension of 700 pixels - click on pic for bigger view.
All rights reserved: copyright authors, see text below.
Copyright: authors
All pictures and other material in the blog if not otherwise stated.
Feel free to use material found on this site for private use as wallpapers etc.
For larger files , commercial use or other questions concerning the material, contact: YrsaCronhjort - at -
How beautiful, and a wonderful take on the prompt.
I have a very dear friend who lives in Stavanger :).
Lovely capture! Been to Stavanger once, for a catshow, ages ago, it took for ever and ever to get there by car from Stockholm... But I do remember the pretty houses.
It looks like someone built a large red house in the water for the ducks. "Quack" they said in approval!
that is such a beautiful vivid reflection
you captured it perfectly
What a wonderful photo! The reflection is so detailed. Well done.
This is a very beautiful photograph, perfect for an exquisite Ruby Tuesday. I love it. Great brilliant red.
@ flyingbird: Sorry - like you write yourself - do these words belong in this blog? But your comment will stay as a statement of freedom of speech.
Still, I like to see this blog as a rather simple world free of all the difficult descisions and knowledge of our everyday life.
The latest comment is removed.
Thanks again, for all the beautiful pictures; and, for your generosity, Yrsa.
I truly appreciate it.
OOH wow this is stunning! Your photography is beautiful.
Beautiful reflections!
Awsome shot!
That's a very interesting tableau. I see the ducks in the water but can't make out what the other objects are. The reflection is so intense, it's stunningly beautiful. Have a great weekend.
@ PJ: Stepping stones :)
What a creative Ruby Tuesday. It might be the most creative I've ever seen. Wonderful!
I love this reflections, and the color in this picture! :o)
I found you through your comments on someone's Skywatch. I love all the photos on the page, but this is one of my favorites!
Sue, Nebraska, USA
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