13 Sept 2008

Fresh autumn sea.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful picture..
Fall is beautiful in Canada as well.
- Cheers.

EG CameraGirl said...

The scene looks so tranquil. I'd like to sit here and rest a while. ;-)

Yrsa said...

Yes it was a tranquil and beautiful moment but I must say the weather is starting to get so cold one really doesn´t feel like sitting around outside all that much :) It is starting to get more challenging to photograph outside as well as it isn´t all that convenient with mittens on!

nonizamboni said...

The water looks 'crisp' and the sky a lot like autumn. Beautiful photo.
Thanks for the visit. Enjoy your weekend!

Arija said...

Your photos are just magical, I know it is partly the cl
arity of light but the other part is the eye behind the camera.

Leora said...

Lovely. Hard to imagine that it so chilly where you are. We were quite hot and sticky yesterday in New Jersey.

I will enjoy all your photos with water as long as you have the ability to stand the chill.

angela said...

All your photos are so beautiful. I've learnt a lot about composing a photo just by browsing through...