27 Aug 2008

Theme continued: a loner (boat).


Anonymous said...

a loner who owns all the trees and the sky, and the clouds, and the river.

thanks as usual. enjoyed it! ^^

Louise said...

Idyllic scene. So peaceful and lovely.

Leora said...

Love the theme of lone boat on water. I did a watercolor on this theme; I plan to post it on my blog next week. I'll have to remember to revisit this photo when I work on a water theme again.

Yrsa said...

Thanks for interest - it is an idyllic scene, however, a bit disturbed by the concrete blocks in front which the landscape somehow manages to disguise.

Arija said...

This is a truly beautiful photo. I could lose myself in the reflection of the sky. The light in Finland is so crisp, everything is so sharp. Delightful.