Unfortunately Tom is on bed rest today and for the first time you are stuck with me. I have my orders to visit as many as I can, and make sure the links are working and everyone is being good. I am sure you are all being good. Tom and I thank you for Sky-Watching this week. I am sure that as soon as Tom's heart beat settles down he will be back here and visiting.
very beautiful. I love the perspective definitely draws your eyes to those clouds. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the nice comments that you left.
Hallo from north Norway. Last week I saw all Sky Watch Friday photos and they were all great, and I hope to see them all this week too. I love to travel around the world this way.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful sky watch and have a great weekend!
This diary is kept by hobby photographers situated in southern Finland. Most pictures are "straight from cam" except for occasional cropping.
Themes: nature, seasons and nearby environments in both urban and more natural settings. Sometimes spiced up with some traveller´s shots around the world.
The pics in this blog have a maximum dimension of 700 pixels - click on pic for bigger view.
All rights reserved: copyright authors, see text below.
Copyright: authors
All pictures and other material in the blog if not otherwise stated.
Feel free to use material found on this site for private use as wallpapers etc.
For larger files , commercial use or other questions concerning the material, contact: YrsaCronhjort - at - gmail.com
Beautiful billowing clouds! Great pictures of sky and trees!
such crystal clear air! makes great photos!
Erupting clouds over theose silhouetted trees is marvellous.
ha! Kissing Clouds. Tom will like this one.
Unfortunately Tom is on bed rest today and for the first time you are stuck with me. I have my orders to visit as many as I can, and make sure the links are working and everyone is being good. I am sure you are all being good.
Tom and I thank you for Sky-Watching this week. I am sure that as soon as Tom's heart beat settles down he will be back here and visiting.
Upeita ukkospilviä ja hienot kuvat niistä!
Beautiful billowing clouds, nice sunlight on them.
Beautiful shots! The clouds are so defined! Nice!!!
very beautiful. I love the perspective definitely draws your eyes to those clouds. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the nice comments that you left.
Great photos with fantastic lighting!
The sky of this Friday in Southern Finland. I hope it will stay like this during the weekend. :)
This sky looks MAGICAL!
Hallo from north Norway. Last week I saw all Sky Watch Friday photos and they were all great, and I hope to see them all this week too. I love to travel around the world this way.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful sky watch and have a great weekend!
Thankyou for all nice comments. I´ll try to visit you all during the week.
Criticism is just as welcome as all positive comments:)
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