7 Sept 2008

Fallåker: a new housing area in Espoo.


Daniel Chérouvrier said...

Nice flats half hiden behin several sumacs.

Louise said...

Beautiful color! It must be fall there already.

EG CameraGirl said...

The fall season seems to be ahead of central Ontario this year. Our leaves are still very green, but I must admit this year is unusual.

Bob Dylan said...

Espoo is a fun sounding name. there should be a coffee shop bakery named Espoo Espressoo. I used to go to a place in Oslo years ago, Little Eddie's Bakery and puppet theatre. Since I went early in the morning, I never saw a puppet show, but the back room was crammed with unusual handcrafted puppets and marionettes if you wanted to see them at rest. and the front was a small theatre area and a tiny cafe serving coffee, espresso and fresh baked items--ahhh...fabulous. I believe it's gone now, but it was a good place to have coffee.