30 Aug 2008

Hey there, come play with me! (by chrome3d)


Louise said...

Ummm, are you sure? I like playing with cats with attitude. One of mine is downright mean a lot of the time. Cat personalities are what make them so fun. This one looks like it's got quite a personality.

Anonymous said...

had me bursting into HUGE laughter.

Dianne said...

what a wonderful face!

reminds me a bit of the attitude my Mia puts on

chrome3d said...

It´s actually quite funny cat and it wants to play with me. No kidding. It just looks angry.

Anonymous said...

Fierce looking critter.

dianasfaria.com said...

this is perfect! I wish you had the little envelope at the end of your post so I could froward this to my son & nieces. They would love this.